Creative Inspiration Wanted

As a creative, there are times when finding motivation and inspiration can be a challenge. There seems to be a blockage in one’s creative juices or the fire for a passion project is dying down. Try incorporating Morning Pages into your morning routine. Morning Pages are three pages longhand, stream of consciousness writing written for the first time in the morning. According to Julia Cameron, “There is no wrong way to do Morning Pages - they are not high art. They are not even “writing.” They are about anything and everything that crosses your mind - and they are for your eyes only.” I have been writing morning pages on an irregular basis for the past three months. There are times when I write affirmations repeatedly because I do not have anything on my mind and other times I write every thought in my mind filling more than three pages. I am not a morning person so I give myself the leeway of writing my three pages before noon every day. Morning pages are more like a brain dump for me because I do not go back and read anything I write down. I simply write, close my composition book, and move on with my day.

You can also take yourself out on an Artist Date if you are experiencing a lull in your creativity. An Artist Date is a weekly solo date to explore something that interests you and spend quality time with yourself to nurture your creative soul. In the book, The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron states that “Artist Dates fire up the imagination. They spark whimsy. They encourage play. Since art is about the play of ideas, they feed our creative work by replenishing our inner well of images and inspiration.”

Below you can find resources with ideas for Artist Dates.

99 Ideas to Bring ‘Play’ Into Your Life: The Magic of ‘The Artist Date’

150 Artist Date Ideas

Self-Care for Creative: Artist Dates

Originally Published on July 24, 2018 on


Wish It Would Her Name


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